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Monday, December 31, 2007

Get help of "Symptoms Checker" to know more about your health

As the site has clear policy about this tool, I want to say it before starting my post that " This tool is only a guide. You can use as an information source but it is not an alternate of a health professional or your doctor"

I had one or two medical softwares, where sometimes I entered data for my symptoms and it showed the possible disease which I might have and also details about it. So I never took it very seriously, rather using it as an information source. The same tool you can use free from Mayo Clinic, which is a very popular web site, prodiding you health information, self-improvement and disease management tools.

How it helps you?

Site has provided very interactive tool, which shows symptoms catagory for adults and child, so you can click the link matching with your symptoms. For example I searched for child-constipation topic, and the result page took me to another page, where possible causes of constipation were present, based on scientific factors. I checked the boxed provided according to symptoms and next page gave me the results, diseases and conditions associated with the symptoms provided.

Use this tool:
Symptom Checker
For more tools and health information:
Mayo Clinic,

Sunday, December 23, 2007

"Health Authority " helping us to Improve health by changing behaviours!

Knowledge about risk factors to our health is essential, as it can help us keeping safe and protective. Today even doctors don't have time to tell us what precautions we can take to keep us healthy and sickness free. Internet is an enormous source of information about health topic. Only need is to search for specific sites, and go through the guidelines provided by means of articles, research based studies and etc.

Health Authority offers a practical perspective on the most useful and important changes you can make to improve your health.

Why we need to change our lifestyle?

The top five causes of death in the U.S. (heart disease, cancer, stroke, pulmonary disease (COPD), and accidents) are the result of a combination of genetic predisposition and lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, diet, exercise, and stress.
"lifestyle" diseases are the primary causes of death in the United States, with heart disease and cancers now accounting for over half (54%) of all deaths.

Some diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema, are almost totally preventable by making one simple lifestyle change - not smoking. Even for those diseases with strong genetic factors, such as some cancers, lifestyle changes greatly reduce the risk of these diseases.

Information at the site are based on the scientific research, by PICS, Inc., a research company dedicated to providing innovative methods to assist people improving their health.

The HealthAuthority website is edited by Allison Sowell, M.S., Research Associate and William Riley, Ph.D., Director of Research at PICS

What you can get from the site?
These links provide you with research based information, which you can take as a precaution measure to change your lifestyle for the better and healthy future:

* Tobacco dependence

* Alcohol dependence
* Weight loss

* Fitness

* Stress

* Cancer risk factors

* cardio risk factors

* Pain management

* Insomnia

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Mental health" resources!

1- The Mental Help Net website exists to promote mental health and wellness education and advocacy.

Site link: Mental help

- Sign up by entering your e-mail address to get their newsletter :Sign up page

2- Psych Central is the Internet's largest and oldest independent mental health social network created and run by mental health professionals to guarantee reliable, trusted information and support communities to consumers, for over 12 years.

Regularly maintained by Dr. Grohol and a staff of contributing editors, it is one of the Net's best information sources for mental health information, as well as providing annotated guides to the most useful websites, newsgroups, and mailing lists online today in mental health, psychology, social work, and psychiatry. We now receive over 650,000 visits per month, acting as a reliable and accurate source of mental health information for the over 42 million visitors who have stopped by since we first went online.

Psych Central is privately and wholly owned and operated by Dr. John Grohol.

* Psych Central offers the popular "Sanity Score", a free online mental health screening test.

What is Sanity Score screening test?

The Sanity Score™ quiz, a mental health and wellness test that has been scientifically designed to help you figure out what's going on in your life and your mental well-being.

At the conclusion of the test, you'll be given specific action-items to help you improve parts of your life, articles to learn more about specific conditions that are relevant to where you are in your life, and additional quizzes to help you better pinpoint the issues in your life and what you can do to help improve them.
Over 35,000 others have already taken the test.
Link to the test page:
Sanity Score

3- Counselling Resource is one of the web's largest and most comprehensive mental health sites focusing on counselling and psychotherapy.

What you get at the site?

- Counselling and psychotherapy explains why you need counselling or psychotherapy.
- Books and articles about the topic
- Screening tests and quizzesare fun and educational, and they may help increase your awareness of particular experiences or of particular forms of psychological distress.

They are not by themselves tools for diagnosing any type of health or mental health condition. All quizzes are guaranteed to be scored by your own web browser: your answers are never transmitted to our server.

Welcome to Our Psychological Screening Tests and Quizzes Our psychological quizzes are intended to be fun and educational, and they may help increase your awareness of particular experiences or of particular forms of psychological distress. They are not by themselves tools for diagnosing any type of health or mental health condition. All our quizzes are guaranteed to be scored by your own web browser: your answers are never transmitted to our server.

Background on These Psychological Screening Tests:

Psychological screening tests of various kinds have been used for many years as clinical tools, as educational tools for learning more about symptoms or particular kinds of experiences associated with psychological distress, or sometimes simply as entertainment. None of these tests should be understood to offer any kind of psychological diagnosis or healthcare recommendation. At best, they may help highlight experiences for reflection.

Link to the page: Screening tests and quizzes include depression screening, depression and anxiety, adult ADHD screening, Schizophrenia screening, Bipolar and mania, Alcohol and drug use, dissociative identity disorder,and Internet addiction.

4- is one of the largest and most comprehensive psychology websites on the Internet. Site offer educational material on many topics related to psychology

There are over over 920 individual, cross referenced, web pages and an estimated 3000pages of printed material, receives an average of 3,000 unique visitors and 10,000 page views every day. They are referenced by universities all over the world and cited by professional organizations and college textbooks.
Dr. Chris Heffner, started this site in 1992, as a graduate student in psychology. Purpose of the site was to assist with data collection for research and dissenmination of academic material.

Mission statement: (In their own words):
"AllPsych will play a key role in the advancement of psychology and mental health through education and research via the Internet. As a service to both the general public, mental health professionals and students of psychology, we strive to provide psychology related material to help improve factual knowledge, inspire thoughtful discussion, and facilitate a unique understanding of the psychological theories, applications, and needs for research. As an educationally based organization, we will investigate new ways to stimulate learning in order to meet the needs of students and professionals alike."

Site link:
Like other mental health sites, it offers some online psychology tests, which are:

- Diagnostic Screening tests is developed to help you better understand your own mental health based on general categories of psychopathology and mental illness.
- Self-Help quizzes designed to give you a better understanding of your relationships, communication, stress level, etc.
Remember: these quizzes or tests can not replace a true diagnostic assessment by a licensed mental health professional.
-A useful article about :Internet Addiction Disorder
- Fun and games at the site.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What is creativity and how to be creative?

Creativity is a skill which can be developed like other human abilities.
As a teacher I am appreciated for my creativity skills, but whenever I asked to do some creative work, I was not quite sure how to be innovative or more creative? So this article is first for myself and then for all who want to know what is creativity and how to develop this natural skill?

What is creativity?

According to a definition from California State University,Northridge
"Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or new alternatives. Tests of creativity measure not only the number of alternatives that people can generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives. the ability to generate alternatives or to see things uniquely does not occur by change; it is linked to other, more fundamental qualities of thinking, such as flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity or unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown"

Enchanted Mind says:
"Creativity is an attitude that can be cultivated and expanded. Once you have learned how to maintain a creative attitude, you can apply it to anything you set your mind to. The way to develop a creative attitude is to stretch and stimulate the mind daily to keep it flexible and resilient. Expanding your brain and mind will accelerate your creative potential.

Science has proven that if you exercise the brain beyond your current limits, you create new neural pathways. Neurologically this is called "use dependent plasticity". In laymen's terms it means use it or lose it. If you attempt to reach beyond the obvious solutions to a problem, you will be permanently opening new neural pathways in the mind. Practiced daily, this technique will create those permanent pathways."

Enchanted Mind provides you stuf to create a daily experience of humor, inspiration and creative problem solving. The combination of these three elements, if practiced daily, will open the mind, allowing creative genius to blossom. With this method you can stimulate creative thinking habits and add a little delight to your day.

An article about Inner creativity at Enchanted Mind.

* A breif Review of Creativity at "Personality"

* What is Creative thinking? From

Creative thinking techniques at "Brain

Sure is a government programme which aims to achieve better outcomes for children, parents and communities by:

Increasing the availability of childcare for all children, improving health and emotional development for young children, supporting parents in their aspirations towards employment.

Sure explains in "Why Creativity?":

"Creativity is part of every area of the curriculum and all areas of learning have the potential to be creative experiences. The creative process which includes curiosity, exploration, play and creativity, is as applicable to Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication, Language and Literacy; Mathematical Development; Knowledge and Understanding of the World and Physical Development as it is to art, music, dance and imaginative play.
We can use creativity to solve problems and think of new ways to deal with challenges. We can use creative role-play to widen our horizons and creative thinking is an important part of science and maths.

Why is creativity important?
Being creative helps us to adapt and respond to a rapidly changing world. We don’t know the challenges that the children we work with will grow up to face, but we do know that for them to meet these challenges they will need to be creative and imaginative

Ideas by Creativity Pool
Creativity Pool Free Ideas and Creativity Resource. Search the database for solutions and inspiration, or donate your unused creativity.
Some links from the site:
- Getting Free ideas
- Their forum has totla 4655 members, with 12586 posts, including 4652 topics.

- Web site rules

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Life is not always easy----- Few quotes!

Quotes are a way of giving ourselves motivation and encouragement. Here are some motivational quotes, which may give you an understanding and true meaning of life.
Truly great

Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious.
Many of life's best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.
If the only things you experienced were pleasure and comfort, it would be impossible for you to fully appreciate them. A life of total ease and a complete lack of challenge would be unbearably tedious.
When the next challenge comes your way, when the next obstacle blocks your progress, find it in yourself to be thankful. For the difficulties provide you with truly magnificent opportunities to create value, to find meaning and fulfillment in living.
The challenges enable you to give of yourself and to make a real difference. And that's something you desire at the deepest level.
Life is not always easy. And because of that, you have the opportunity to make it truly great.

By- Ralph Marston

Life's little annoyances

Don't let a relatively small setback ruin an otherwise beautiful day. Choose instead to take it in stride and quickly get back to being positive, productive and effective.
Don't waste your time being outraged or offended by someone else's careless, inconsiderate remark or gesture. Use the opportunity to strengthen your valuable sense of patience, and move on ahead to something that truly matters.
Life's little annoyances can quickly add up to have a big negative and destructive impact if you let them. Fortunately, you don't have to let them.

Instead, you can choose to let them go. You can decide to see the small, relatively meaningless annoyances for what they are, and move quickly beyond them.
Do you really want your attitude to be held hostage by rude, careless, inconsiderate people or random events beyond your control? Of course not, because within you is a positive purpose that is big and beautiful and filled with real meaning.

Each time one of life's little annoyances comes along, let it just keep on going right past you until it fades away into its own insignificance. You have plenty of much more positive and valuable things upon which to focus your attention.

(By- Ralph Marston)

Weakness into strength By recognizing and admitting your own weaknesses, you begin to move beyond them. When you're clear and honest about what you need to work on, you can make real progress.
When you identify a weakness, you've found an opportunity. By exploring what's holding you back, you can create a realistic and workable path to success.
Weakness is nothing to hide from or to be ashamed of. For in each weakness is the promise of real strength.

From each weakness there is much that you can learn. By understanding your limitations, you can find a way around them.

Instead of constantly fighting against your weaknesses, work on getting rid of them completely. Then all your time and energy can be put into moving quickly ahead.
Have the courage to look clearly at your weaknesses. What you'll see in each one is the potential to create powerful, effective new strength.
(By-Ralph Marston)
For more motivational links: Great Day

Do you blame God for your sufferings?

Very naturally when we feel blue, we blame God for our sufferings, our sorrows.
And many times when I felt myself very lonely in this world, a thought came into my mind that why it is happening to me, why me?------Why I have to suffer?
Whenever I talked about this topic with my fellows, they mentioned the same stage of mind at the time of sufferings. First we try to blame any one who is involved in this situation, including ourselves, and at the last it is clear that it was from God, and we have to have patience.

During times when God allows suffering, we seldom understand why. We cling to our hope and hold to our faith, but we still ask, Why, God, do you allow my suffering and pain? ----When God is Himself very kind and merciful. There are some answers we can get:
- It is because, through sufferings, we come closer to our God.
- When He allows us to suffer, He allows us to see his presence and to love Him more deeply.
- Sometimes, pain and sufferings come as a test and God rewards the faithful.
There are a lot more answers, but you would agree with me that for those difficult times, you need to think positively, and more religious. In my down times of life, I desperately needed someone who could give me some advice, show me encouragement and way to self help.

Few days ago, I saw a site which was exactly fulfilling the topic I described above. It is in fact a course which is called “Alpha Course”, and it is a personal level, self help course helping you in getting the specific answer to our question why god allows suffering?

It would be interesting to know what media is telling about this course:

The Daily Telegraph, London
"Alpha is an unqualified triumph."

"Alpha…uses modern marketing methods to promote and explain Christian teachings around the world."

"God honors those who have suffered – and helps those in pain".

Monday, November 26, 2007

Few inspirational and motivational quotes

Quotes or sayings of famous people, scholars, philosophers, and wise peoples are free gifts to us, as they are based on their own life long experience, and wisdom. Iy never costs you anything, when you learn from wise people's quotes.

• None will improve your lot if you yourself do not. - Bertolt Brecht, 1933 Motivational quote

• If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.
• Kahlil Gibran

• Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.
• Ralph Charell

• Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
• Lucille Ball

• You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. - Abraham Lincoln famous quote

• Learn to self-conquest, persevere thus for a time, and you will perceive very clearly the advantage which you gain from it. - St. Teresa of Avila famus quote

• No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change. - Barbara De Angelis - success quote

• Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate accomplishments. - Napoleon Hill - quote

• There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. - John Adams quote

• I can give you a six-word formula for success: Think things through ?then follow through. - Captain Edward V. Rickenbacker famus quote

• You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. - Eleanor Roosevelt famous quote

• People are eternally divided into two classes, the believer, builder, and praiser, and the unbeliever, destroyer and critic. - John Ruskin quote

• To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind. - William Hazlitt Motivational quote

• There is in every true woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity. - Elisabeth Guizot quote

• Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it. - Margaret Thatcher famous quote

• Let everyone sweep in front of his own door and the whole world will be clean. - Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - success quote

• I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. I think if you are determined enough and willing to pay the price, you can get it done. - Mike Ditka famus quote

• If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life. - Abraham H. Maslow Motivational quote

• Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before. - James Buckham quote

• The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. - Charles Du Bos quote

• The most damaging phrase in the language is: "It's always been done that way." -Rear Admiral Grace Hopper famous quote

• Progress in every age results only from the fact that there are some men and women who refuse to believe that what they know to be right cannot be done. - Russell W. Davenport famus quote

• "The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. - Arthur James Balfour quote

• I know a lot of people without brains who do an awful lot of talking. - The Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz - success quote

• Thoughtfulness for others, generosity, modesty and self-respect are the qualities which make a real gentleman or lady. -Thomas H. Huxley quote

• When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself. - Wayne Dyer fanus quote

• You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you. - Barbara Sher quote

• Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao-Tzu famous quote

• The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart this you will build your life by, and this you will become. - James Lane Allen Motivational quote

• Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother. - Kahlil Gibran famus quote

• When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life. - Greg Anderson - success quote

• Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think. - Dale Carnegie quote

• There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them. -Dr. Denis Waitley quote

• If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears.- Glenn Clark quote

• Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting. - Elizabeth Bibesco quote

• In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. - Thomas Jefferson - success quote

• Discipline is the foundation upon which all success is built. Lack of discipline inevitably leads to failure. - Jim Rohn quote

• The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything. - Theodore Roosevelt quote

• He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that dare not is a slave. - Andrew Carnegie - success quote

• If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness. - Les Brown fanus quote

• Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values. - Joshua L. Liebman quote

• Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. - Harriet Beecher Stowe famous quote

• He who has learned to disagree without being disagreeable has discovered the most valuable secret of a diplomat. - Robert Estabrook quote

• Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound. - James Allen quote

• Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, "This is the real me," and when you have found that attitude, follow it. - William James Motivational quote

• In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. -Dalai Lama famous quote

• It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability to discover ability in others is the true test. - Elbert Hubbard - success quote

• There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen. - Wayne Dyer quote

• Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principals which direct them. - Napoleon Bonaparte quote

• Yearn to understand first and to be understood second. - Beca Allen Motivational quote

• We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. - Charles Kingsley quote

• Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves. - Sir James M. Barrie - success quote

• Take your life in your own hands and what happens? A terrible thing: no one is to blame. -Erica Jong famous quote

• Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade? - Benjamin Franklin fanus quote

• God gives talent, work transforms talent into genius." - Anna Pavlova

• You learn in life that the only person you can really correct and change is yourself." - Katharine Hepburn

• "I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our Attitudes." - Charles Swindoll

• When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." - Erma Bombeck

• "Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask, but when we are challenged to be what we can be." - Morris Adler

• "It is good to dream, but it is better to dream and work. Faith is mighty, but action with faith is mightier. Desiring is helpful, but work and desire are invincible." - Thomas Robert Gaines

Link to read more quotes: Self help qoutes from Personal Enterprise

Thursday, November 22, 2007

"Evolving Times" a self growth site with "Law of Attraction" resources!

Created by Edward Mills, who is a "Law of attraction" Coach, Teacher, Speaker and writer. Evolving Times is a reflection of his passion about self growth. He is an enthusiast to explore and expand his awareness of himself and the world around him.

Alongwith a long list of posts covering different areas of personal development, this blog shows Edward's passion about "The Law of attraction"

People with no knowledge of "Law of attraction" might be interested in this "Revolutionay theory", which is the talk of the town today. I am also an enthusiast about this concept, and this blog is a really nice resource for this purpose. You may get many search results, while searching for this term, but as most of the sites are professional and selling something relating to this formula, better to have a look at "Evolving Times", before going to other sites. But first, let's learn about "Law of attraction"

Our thoughts can attract what we want, our thoughts simply focus our actions, taking certain actions will certainly bring about certain results. Focusing on what you want, and following that thought with focused and planned action works. It works like magic. "The law of attraction" is based on this theory, and by applying this law in a planned manner, you can get wealth, success and everything you want in life. So in short term you can say that it is "key to success or treasure"

At Secret of law of attraction blog the definition is quoted as:

"The Law of Attraction is very real and people are utilizing it right now to achieve their dreams and goals. Through monitoring and controlling your attitude and perception you can change the experiences in your life. The programming that lies in the depths of your subconscious mind is that which controls your conscious mind, which in turn controls the choices and decisions you make in relation to the direction your life takes. By thinking positively you will be much more likely to have positive experiences to match. The bible verse that says "as you sow so shall you reap" is in line with the Law of Attraction, as is the passage "if you speak death you will eat death". Both indicate that what you think, do, feel and believe is where life will take you."

- Download free simpleology e-book

At the site a commentator says "The secret to working the Law of Attraction to our benefit involves faith in ourselves, belief in our inspiration and purpose, and then taking the inspired action to assist God/the Universe/non-physical in answering our prayers/intentions/desires."
- Law of attraction posts

- The law of attraction and how the universe works

Friday, November 9, 2007

Resources to download hundreds of free self help e-books!

I love to read books, and self help books or articles are my first choice among other topics. Because I believe that these self help tips, articles or advices can help you in self growth, self development.
At the world wide web, there are a lot of resources regarding self help stuff. I personally go through many self help blogs and sites, read the articles and sometimes buy the e-books. During last week, I was surprised to see few links offering hundreds of self help e-books absolutely FREE. So I am sharing the information with you!

200 free Self Help e-books:

E-books directory at Personal Enterprise

More than 100 free e-books:
FREE eBooks available for download at Universal Law Today

Related articles at this blog:

Download free self help books

Story of a sick woman-Free e-book

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"Educate yourself"- A site educating about natural and alternative therapies

I believe in natural or alternative treatment therapies because I found these systems are more effective, free from long lasting side effets, and cheaper as well.
At this blog you have read the story of a woman who cured herself by using natural healing system. She also believed that allopathic system suppresses the disease symptoms, but for getting cure you have to depend upon your natural immune system or other alternative therapies.

The site I am reviewing provides you a lot of informative articles, resources and useful links about alternative/natural therapies. is a site dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information in the use of natural, non-pharmaceutical medicines and alternative healing therapies in the treatment of disease conditions.

Editor: Ken Adachi

He says: "I'm trying to give visitors to this web site the idea that they can take care of themselves without depending on the so called 'health' industry, which includes drug companies, the allopathic medical establishment and their pals in the insurance industry. We have the capacity to circumvent much of the intended misery by becoimng FULLY aware of the manipulation and deception being injected into our daily lives. Everything seen in national and international "news" is scripted and planned. There are no surprises. The Illuminati creates conflicts and 'scenarios' in order to introduce their 'solution' to the 'problem', therby implementing their hidden agenda of total control and chainless enslavement of every single person on the planet. The way to undo the New World Order enslavement agenda is through knowledge and honest information. Let's assist each other with that goal in mind."

At another place the editor Ken Adachi describes the purpose of the site:

"The purpose of this web site is help people become self sufficient and self dependent in all matters of health care. The Western World's over-reliance and dependence on orthodox allopathic medicine (conventional physicians who prescribe drugs), pharmaceuticals, and the Standard Western Diet have brought us to a deplorable state of national health. There is no one more interested in maintaining your health, than you. In our opinion, you need to accept the primary responsibility and not delegate it to others. Millions and millions of Americans have suffered (and died) needlessly because of the foolish abandonment of personal health care responsibility into the hands of others.

At this web site, we'll explore both the questions and answers to modern ailments and how you can learn to take care of yourself. Everyone can learn to take control of their own health destiny and put an end to the worry and other desperate emotions engendered by reliance on the so-called ‘health care' system.

A better way to be informed about new entries or news at the site is to submit your e-mail address to get their newsletter.
Link: Click here

Site link: Educate Yourself

To see what kind of articles you can get at the site, I am only giving you few lines and introduction words about an article:

This article is by "Martin Brofman", who was a cancer patient, but he cured himself by natural healing. He says at the start of the article:

"Every symptom has a certain way of being with which it is associated. In order to release a symptom, one must release the way of being associated with it. Thus, the process of healing implies a process of transformation. Anything can be healed"... (Martin Brofman)

The last lines of the article are:
You have in your consciousness the potential and ability to heal anything, on any level, in yourself as well as in any other Being, since it's all just love and energy. What remains is for you to realize this fully and actualize that potential.

Anything can be healed.
Article link:
Healing and Transformation

Monday, October 22, 2007

What is happiness?--Few quotes!

I always wonder what is happiness? --Because there are times, when you are happy without any reason,
-may be when you listen a word of praise,
-when you are with your sincere friend and sharing your secret with him/her,
-when someone trusts you and shares his/her secret with you,
-you get unexpected good news, and there are times when you get everything around which could please you but you are still unhappy,

and there are many conditions which may vary as to individual's personality. But everyone would agree that when you look around for getting happiness, sometimes time doesn't favour you. And still trying to get happiness is a dream.

But what is happiness?---
Here are some quotes, or sayings of famous people. May be like me, you would get your answer!

* Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go”
Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)

* “Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

* “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”
Aristotle quotes

* “There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”
Epictetus quotes (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

* We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Frederick Keonig quotes

* Be happy. It's one way of being wise.”
Sidonie Gabrielle quotes

* "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
Herman Cain quotes (American business man, author and speaker)

* "The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be”
Marcel Pagnol quotes (French Writer, Producer and Film Director, 1895-1974)

* “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)

* "Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.”

* "Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
Buddha quotes (Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

* "It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”
Dale Carnegie quotes (American lecturer, author, 1888-1955)

* "Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.”
Storm Jameson quotes

* "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.”
George Sand quotes (French Romantic writer, 1804-1876)

* "Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.”
Maxim Gorky quotes (Russian Novelist and Playwright, 1868-1936)

* "It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.”
Agnes Repplier quotes (American Essayist and Writer, She is known for her collections of scholarly essays in Compromises (1904). 1858-1950)

* "Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you”
Nathaniel Hawthorne quotes (American short-story Writer and Novelist, master of the allegorical and symbolic tale. One of the greatest fiction writers in American literature. 1804-1864)
Source site and more quotes at: Think Exist

Download this free e-book to learn how to be happy!-- This is not an ordinary book to sell you anything for profit, but I have personally downloaded and read the book. It is a personal story of a person who want to make this world better place by spreading happiness message.
Download from this post link: How to be happy?

Are you unhappy from your life?

If one asks you the question "Are you happy with your life?" mostly everyone has some nagative respnonse while answering this question.
We are not satisfied with our life most usually, and as our thoughts, beliefs effect our life, the result is in a state of depression or unhappiness.

I had been through a critical depression, where I became so pessimist that there was no meaning of happiness in my life, and making prayers from the God revealed ways to overcome that dark period of my life. Now I consider myself as a nornal person, as my approach to life has become optimist.

The most imprtant thing during my down time, was that I was trying to get out of that condition, and a lot of good thoughts, helped me. As I read a lot of good stuff, about self help, self growth, self development, I learned a lot from some parables. (Parable is story with some moral lesson)

It was an old publication of Reader's Digest (June -1993), and parable was written by a priest Loren Senbold. This parable played an important role in my life, as I read this article again and again, and realized that "The place God has given to us is perfect for us, either we accept it or not, and being thankful is the root of piece for our sour and mind."

The message conveyed in this story is precious:

Terribly Tragically Sad Man

Once there was a boy who lived in a big house on a hill. He loved dogs and horses, sports cars and music. He climbed trees and went swimming, played football and admired pretty girls. Except for having to tidy up after himself, he had a nice life.

One day the boy said to God, "I've been thinking, and I know what I want to become when I become a man."

"What?" said God.

"I want to live in a big house with a veranda across the front and two St. Bernard dogs and a garden out back. I want to marry a woman who is tall and very beautiful and kind, who has long, black, hair and blue eyes, who plays the guitar and sings in a clear, high voice. I want three strong sons to play ball with. When they grow up, one will be a great scientist, one will be a politician and the youngest will be a professional athlete.

"I want to be an adventurer who sails vast oceans and climbs tall mountains and rescues people. And I want to drive a red Ferrari and never have to tidy up after myself."

"That sounds like a nice dream," said God. "I want you to be happy."

One day, playing ball, the boy hurt his knee. After that he couldn't climb tall mountains or even tall trees, much less sail vast oceans. So he studied marketing and started a medical-supplies business.

He married a girl who was very beautiful and very kind and who had long, black hair. But she was short, not tall, and had brown eyes, not blue. She couldn't play the guitar, or even sing. But she prepared wonderful meals seasoned with rare Chinese spices and painted magnificent pictures of birds.

Because of his business, he lives in a city near the top of a tall apartment building that overlooked the blue ocean and the city's twinkling lights. He didn't have room for two St. Bernards, but he had a fluffy cat.

He had three daughters, all very beautiful. The youngest, who was in a wheelchair was the loveliest. The three daughters loved their father very much. They didn't play ball with him, but sometimes they went to the park and tossed a Frisbee - except for the youngest, who sat under a tree strumming her guitar and singing lovely, haunting songs.

He made enough money to live comfortably but he didn't drive a red Ferrari. Sometimes he had to pick up things and put them away - even things that didn't belong to him. After all, he had three daughters.

Then one morning, the man awoke and remembered his dream. "I am very sad," he said to his best friend.

"Why?" asked his friend.

"Because I once dreamed of marrying a tall woman with black hair and blue eyes who would play the guitar and sing. My wife can't play the guitar or sing. She has brown eyes, and she's not tall."

"Your wife is very beautiful and very kind, "said his friend. "She creates splendid pictures and delectable food." But the man wasn't listening.

"I am very sad," the man confessed to his wife one day. "Why?" asked his wife. "Because I once dreamed of living in a big house with a veranda, and of having two saint Bernards and a garden out back. Instead I live in an apartment in a high rise building."

"Our apartment is comfortable and we can see the ocean from our couch," said his wife. "We have love, laughter and paintings of birds and a fluffy cat-not to mention three beautiful children." But the man wasn't listening.

"I am very sad," the man said to his therapist. "Why?" asked the therapist. "Because I once dreamed that I would grow up to be a great adventurer. Instead, I am a bald businessman with a bad knee."

"The medical supplies you sell save many lives," said the therapist. But the man wasn't listening. So his therapist charged him $110 and sent him home.

"I am very sad," the man said to his accountant. "Why?" asked the accountant. "Because I once dreamed of driving a red Ferrari and never having to tidy up myself. Instead, I take public transportation and sometimes I still have to clean up."

"You wear good suits. You eat at fine restaurants, and you've toured Europe," said his accountant. But the man wasn't listening. His accountant charged him $100 anyway. He was dreaming of a red Ferrari himself.

"I am very sad," the man said to his clergyman. "Why?" asked the clergyman. "Because I once dreamed of having three sons: a great scientist, a politician and a professional athlete. Instead, I have three daughters and the youngest can't even walk."

"But, your daughters are beautiful and intelligent," said the clergyman. "They love you very much and they've all done well. One is a nurse, another is an artist and the youngest teaches music to children."

 But the man wasn't listening. He was so sad that he became very sick. He lay in a white hospital room surrounded by nurses in white uniforms. Tubes and wires connected his body to blinking machines that he had once sold to the hospital.
 He was terribly, tragically sad.

His family, friends and clergyman gathered around his bed. They were all deeply sad too. Only his therapist and his accountant remained happy.

 Then one night, when everyone except the nurses had gone home, the man said to God, "Remember when I was a boy and I told you all the things I wanted?" "It was a lovely dream," said God. "Why didn't you give me those things?" asked the man.

 "I could have," said God. "But I wanted to surprise you with things you didn't dream of. I suppose you have noticed what I have given you: a kind beautiful wife; a good business; a nice place to live; three beautiful daughters-one of the best packages that I've put together…"

 "Yes," interrupted the man. "But I thought you were going to give me what I really wanted." "And I thought you were going to give me what I really wanted," said God. "What did you want?" asked the man.

It had never occurred to him that God was in want of anything. "I wanted to make you happy with what I had given you," said God. The man lay in the dark all night, thinking.

Finally he decided to dream a new dream, one he wished he had dreamed years before. He decided to dream that what he wanted most were the very things he already had. And the man got well and lived happily in the high rise, enjoying his children's beautiful voices, his wife's deep brown eyes and her glorious paintings of birds. And at night he gazed at the ocean and contentedly watched the lights of the city twinkling on, one by one.

You can read this and more parables at this link:

Thursday, September 27, 2007

health links and resources!-Part 2

1- Net Wellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health web site that has been in operation for over ten years. It provides high quality information created and evaluated by medical and health professional faculty at the:

*University of Cincinnati
*Case Western Reserve University
*The Ohio State University.

NetWellness is dedicated to improving the health of Ohioans and people worldwide through information that is scientifically sound, high quality, and unbiased. NetWellness is Quality!!

Site provides a very useful feature, "Ask an expert feature" nearly 300 health professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, dentists, genetics counselors, optometrists, athletic trainers, and social workers who answer all legitimate questions, usually within a few days.

2- Revolution Health:
Revolution Health # a free, comprehensive health and medical information site, specifically designed with the Family's Chief Medical Officer — women and other caregivers — in mind. offers best-of-breed health information as well as more than 125 online tools aimed at helping individuals take control of their well-being. It has partnered with more than 50 companies and teamed with a number of leading health nonprofits and experts to make its innovative approach to health a reality.

Membership: A service primarily targeting businesses, Revolution Health Membership provides peace of mind through a series of telephone-based services that help people obtain answers to their health questions and provide assistance with settling health insurance claims, as well as scheduling appointments and much more.

3- National Human Services Assembly:
National Human Services Assembly is an association of the nation’s leading national non-profits in the fields of health, human and community development, and human services.

1. Provide collective leadership to shape national human development/health & human service strategies.
2. Serve as a catalyst for sharing of resources for the purposes of individual/professional development and organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
3. Increase awareness of the importance of and trust in the nonprofit health & human service sector.

4- IMC (International Medical Corps:
IMC is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, IMC is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in undeserved communities worldwide.

5- HON:
Health On the Net is one of most respected not-for-profit portals to medical information on the Internet. It is a Swiss foundation.
Established on March 20, 1996, has become one of the very first URLs to guide both lay users and medical professionals to reliable sources of healthcare information in cyberspace.

Mission: Their mission is to guide the growing community of health care consumers and providers on the World Wide Web to sound, reliable medical information and expertise. In this way, HON seeks to contribute to better, more accessible and cost-effective health care.
Ordinary citizens are pouring into the Internet in growing numbers to find answers to a vast array of health care questions. Many patients find help, encouragement and cost-effective counsellings from on-line support communities, thus overcoming isolation, improving their morale and, often, developing useful teleworking skills.

Medicine's move into the Web is unstoppable. As patients gain easy access to more and more medical information, they are seeking to become more involved in decisions about their health. This trend has started to alter traditional doctor-patient relationships. However good it is, online information cannot replace the vital personal relationship between patients and their doctors.

For part 1:
health links and resources!-Part 1

Weight loss can be maintained by avoiding fast foods.

It is a very common fact that habit of eating fast food can lead you to gain weight and if you are planning to shed it then you have to avoid it.
But for fast food lovers there is a way to enjoy their favourite food with some precautions. And away from home when you don't have any choice for healthy eating you can go for fast food restaurants but be choosy and keep in mind:

** Keep portion sizes small. If the fast-food restaurant offers several sandwich sizes, pick the smallest or order half a sandwich, if available. Bypass hamburgers with two or three beef patties, which can pack more than 1,000 calories and 70 grams of fat. Instead, choose a regular- or children's-sized hamburger, which has about 250 to 300 calories. Also, skip the large serving of french fries or onion rings and ask for a small serving instead. This switch alone saves about 300 calories. Or better yet, select a lower calorie option.

** Choose a healthier side dish. Take advantage of healthy side dishes offered at many fast-food restaurants. For example, instead of french fries choose a side salad with low-fat dressing or a baked potato. Or add a fruit bowl or a fruit and yogurt option to your meal. Other healthy choices include apple or orange slices, corn on the cob, steamed rice, or baked potato chips.

** Go for the greens. Choose a large entree salad with grilled chicken, shrimp or garden vegetables with fat-free or low-fat dressing on the side, rather than regular salad dressing, which can have 300 or more calories per packet. Watch out for high-calorie salads, such as those with deep-fried shells or those topped with breaded chicken or other fried toppings. Also, skip salad extras such as cheese, bacon bits, croutons and fried chips, which quickly increase your calorie count.

** Opt for grilled items. Fried and breaded foods, such as crispy chicken sandwiches and breaded fish fillets, are high in fat and calories. Select grilled or roasted lean meats — such as turkey or chicken breast, lean ham, or lean roast beef.

** Have it your way. Don't settle for what comes with your sandwich or meal. Ask for healthier options and substitutions. For example, ask for reduced-fat mayonnaise or mustard on your sandwich. Or at a fast-food Mexican restaurant, request salsa with your meal instead of shredded cheese and nacho cheese sauce. Try to avoid special dressings, tartar sauce, sour cream and other high-calorie condiments.

** Watch what you drink. Many beverages contain a large number of calories. For example, a large soda (32 ounces) has about 400 calories. Instead, order diet soda, water, unsweetened iced tea, sparkling water or mineral water. Also, skip the shakes and other ice-cream drinks, which can contain more than 1,000 calories and all of your saturated fat allotment for the day.

These 6 points are suggested from "Mayo Clinic Staff", which is a medical education and research foundation (MFMER). Mayo clinic is a non profit medical practice dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of virtually every type of complex illness. Mayo clinic team of 2,500 physicians and scientists deal in medicine - patient care, medical research and academic education.

Original Article and site link:Healthy diet

These articles may be useful also:



3-Story of a woman who cured herself

4-Download free self help books

Monday, September 24, 2007

health links and resources!-Part 1

Here is a collection of health and wellness related links, and resources, which I could find useful. I have tried to avoid the sites with commercial purposes but sometimes I have enlisted them, as they also provide professional's tips. I hope this series would be helpful for all. And I appreciate if my readers could share in suggesting more resources in this regard.

1- A. R. E Clinic
Introduction: The A.R.E. Clinic is a nonprofit medical organization that researches, educates, and provides charitable services.

Source of A.R.E clinic's information: American psychic or seer known as Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce is commonly credited with being the "father of holistic medicine in America" for his early work in connecting the attitudes of the mind and the choices of the soul to the health of the physical body.

The intention of the A.R.E. Clinic: To use the full scope of the remedies and philosophy presented in the Cayce readings for the purpose of healing. Other forms of medicine that have a compatible philosophy are represented at our facility as well, such as naturopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy.

How effective A.R.E clinic's research would be for common person, can be analyzed by reading their some of the articles which are experience based.

I quote one of the testimonials:

Castor Oil and Peanut Oil for Arthritis of the Knee!

After 25 years of knee pain & swelling, with surgery seeming to be the only option, I decided to try a Cayce remedy I had just learned of: castor oil. I applied nightly adding heat for 1 hr. After 5 applications my knee had seen dramatic shrinkage (about 35%). An additional 5 day application did little to further reduce swelling or decrease pain…so I switched to peanut oil which Cayce often recommended for bone issues.

"Again, within 5 days I saw miraculous results, my pain lessened & my flexibility increased remarkably. Six months later, I have not had recurancy. Arthritis free…Yippee!”

For more successful healing stories:

Site link: A. R. E Clinic

2-World Health organization:

Many of us know this name, but before browsing the site, I was aslo unaware that this site can be a source of many useful informations.

About WHO: WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

At the site when you click the link "Health topics" you are taken to a page with alphabetical list with names and to any topic there is another page with resources,links, sites etc.

Page about "programmes and projects"lists WHO programmes, partnerships and other projects in alphabetical order. For specific information about public health subjects (including diseases), refer to the health topics index.

There is a lot to get from the site.

Link: WHO


Their motto is " We bring doctor's knowledge to you"

Established in 1996, is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via interactive web site. is the Internet's comprehensive source for people who want to research a variety of medical and health subjects. Individuals can peruse the site at their own pace, searching for information that will enlighten their decision making processes or simply satisfy their curiosity. They can research ailments, treatments, and medications. Moreover, when the search for one answer raises even more questions, they can research those questions with the click of a mouse.

Readers receive high quality information specific to their circumstances. They can interact. They can ask different questions and take the conversation in the direction they choose. A visit to can't replace a one-on-one consultation. However, it can help make people better informed about the health and medical issues facing them. It is this knowledge that empowers them to make better decisions.'s Role as Educator:
"An integral role of the doctor caregiver is one of educator....teaching patients and family members about their bodies, health, and illness as well as complications, prognosis, and potential side effects of therapies is a characteristic of being a doctor... without question allows patients and families to acquire higher levels of knowledge about these health concerns, each at their own pace...this affords patient understanding, comfort about decision-making processes, and satisfaction about self-empowerment related to their own, friends' and family members' health."

For more information:


Launched in 1995 and now visited by millions of people a month, this award-winning consumer Web site offers health information, self-improvement and disease management tools to empower people to manage their health.

Produced by a team of Web professionals and medical experts working side by side, gives users access to the experience and knowledge of the more than 3,000 physicians and scientists of Mayo Clinic. offers users intuitive, easy access tools such as "Symptom Checker" and "First-Aid Guide" for fast answers about health conditions ranging from common to complex; as well as more in-depth sections on over 25 common diseases and conditions, a wealth of healthy living articles, videos, animations and features such as "Ask a Specialist" and "Drug Watch."

Site link:
Go for more resources:
health links and resources!-Part 2

Friday, September 21, 2007

Download free self help e-books

These self help books are free to download. I have collected these links from different sites. I love to read motivational and inspirational book which could help you in self development and speed up your self growth process. This collection of e-books is to get advantage of free offer from different sites. If you can get books at no charge, so why buy it?

Downloading instructions:
From number 1 to 4, you have to open the link and it would take you to the site, where download link is given. From 5 to the last number you just click the right mouse button, choose "save as" and pdf version of the e-book would start downloading.

1- The_Mind Switch_Method
Learn the amazing, PROVEN technique of how to take control of your life immediately, predict your own future by creating it, and guarantee positive progress in your life.
The MindSwitch Method

Brainstuffing is a collection of useful tips and articles to help organize our life, reduce stress, have a few laughs...and so much more like relationships, money, jobs.
download link

3- The_Longest_Road
This true story is a powerfully and evocatively written dark and suspenseful psychological drama. It is about a young woman, who after a troubled childhood, finds herself pregnant and alone. She devotes her life to caring for and raising her child. As her son grows, he becomes more and more abusive towards her and their conflicts escalate. Desperate to resolve their explosive relationship, she searches out his birth father, believing that that will heal her son's pain. In a shocking twist of events, both father and son turn against her and she is forced into psychiatric care. Torn between her love for her son and her own survival, she must find the courage to leave her son's life in order to save her own.

Download Link: The Longest Road

4- The_Way_to_Happiness
The Way to Happiness book is for anyone who wants to make the best choices and decisions possible in their lives, regardless of race, nationality or religion.
The way to happiness

5-Self-Development and the Way to Power: Download link

6-- Super Success Code
Download link

7-70 of the Most Inspirational Quotes

Download link

8-Self-Improvement Mania!

Download link

9-404 Self Improvement Tips

Download link

10-Supreme Collection of Success Quotes

Download link

11-The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Achieve Anything
Download link

12-Guaranteed Success Thinking

Download Link

13-Memory - How to Attend and Never Forget
Download link

14-Lessons from Miracle Doctors
A Step-by-step Guide to Optimum Health & Relief from Catastrophic Illness - by Jon Barron
There is a network of elite herbalists, holistic healers, and renegade medical doctors throughout the world, performing miracles on a daily basis. Thousands of people throughout the world have come to these "miracle doctors" terminally ill, and thousands have left healthy. Now, the secrets of these Miracle Doctors is revealed in Jon Barron's step-by-step guide to optimum health and relief from catastrophic illness.
Download link-PDF

15- The Cure for All Diseases
Dr Hulda Clark's belief is that all diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known. She explains the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instruction for their cure through natural remedies and an electrical device you can build at

More related posts:

*How to be happy?-Download free e-book

Story of a sick woman who cured herself-Free e-book

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Expand your mind by playing puzzles and brain teasers!

From my own experience I can say that if you want to be creative and intelligent, use your brain by keeping it busy to get more from it. I believe that the more you think about utilizing your brain more skillful you are.

From my teenage, I was fond of playing puzzle games, and scrabble was one of my favourite game at that time. It was only a hobby, but now I realize that it helped me in brushing up my English language.

I can still challenge my colleagues about vocabulary and spellings. This good command over spelling or vocabulary was due to my habit of playing "scrabble", and having a dictionary beside me all the time. Still now, sometimes I enjoy playing the word games at my computer.

Puzzles or brain exercises may look like childish plays but there is scientific prove that these activities enhance our brain.

To expand our mind we need to learn more, as learning is a way to make our brain work more and working of our brain keeps it healthy. Another way of to challenge our mind is by playing puzzles and brain teasers, which is a good pass time also.

Quote: “I have always treated and considered puzzles from an educational standpoint, for the reason that they constitute a species of mental gymnastics which sharpen the wits and train the mind to reason along straight lines. Puzzles are a school for cleverness and ingenuity.
Sam Loyd, one of the world’s great Puzzle Masters 1841-1911 “

Today I am here with review of a site providing you a lot of puzzles and exercises. Although site is a professional one, and they sell their products also. But still there is a lot of free stuff to look and use.

Smart Kit
About the site: Smart Kit brings you a fresh daily supply of captivating puzzles to exercise and train your brain.
The Smartkit site was founded and is updated by a fellowship-trained, Board Certified Neurologist (M.D.) who is also a member of the American Academy of Neurology.

Only doing crossword puzzles is not enough to keep your brain sharp, but there are a wide variety of challenges and puzzles types, which can stimulate and exercise many areas of your brain.

This blog provides you many interesting and new puzzles. I liked browsing it due to all new stuff.

Link to the site:

Some more resources:

* CR Puzzles is a free online puzzle magazine (daily updated).

* Another site: Scientific Psychic is the web site dedicated to the exploration of language and the human mind with the objective of encouraging critical thinking and a healthy life style. The site owner Antonio Zamora has a blog, where health and mind related articles can be read.

scientific psychic Blog

* This site not only provides you puzzles but also links to other puzzle sites, wher you can decide which puzzle sites to search. A page of the site provides puzzles in education.

"Everyone knows that playing with and solving brainteaser puzzles is a wonderful way to promote creative thinking and exercise problem solving skills. When you are playing a manipulative, hand-held puzzle, you're doing your solving using hand-mind coordination, which is about as good as it gets for exercising your gray matter. In the broadest sense, of course puzzles are educational."

Link to the educational puzzle page: Puzzles in Education

* More sites about puzzles can be found at this page: Link list

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Amazing story of a sick woman who cured herself!

This is a true story of a woman who was sick for more than 5 years, daily migraines, chronic and debilitating muscle pain and fatigue, and a myriad of other symptoms left her wishing most days that she would die. But at last she decided to turn back from conventional medicines and adopted the natural healing system which could cure herself totally. This inspirational story is the proof that nature is very kind to us, and we have those all remedies and cures around us, which can keep us sickness free.

Shelly Keck-Borsits's nightmare began at the end of 1996, at the age of 25. Almost overnight her seemingly healthy body became ravaged with unexplainable pain. Over the next 5 1/2 years she would turn to several doctors and specialists for help in finding the cause of her chronic, and debilitating pain. X-rays, MRI's, CAT scans and blood tests showed there was nothing wrong. But there was something wrong.

Something was dreadfully wrong. Eventually Shelly was told by one doctor that he believed she had Fibromyalgia and told her to go to the internet to read up on the incurable disease he had diagnosed her with. While searching for information on Fibromyalgia she came across a woman's story that was so similar to her own it was if she had wrote the story herself. Besides their symptoms being identical, they also had one other thing in common. Before they had fallen ill they had both taken the same birth control injections. Shelly put her own story online to see if other women who were on these same birth control injections were suffering from this same mysterious illness. To her surprise, and horror, emails started flooding in from women all around the world. Women were begging her to put up web pages so they could tell their stories too. She started the not for profit web site Antique & Vintage Costume Jewelry. From that point on she continued to bounce from doctor to doctor to no avail. The prescription drugs and surgery she underwent did nothing for her but multiply her health problems. Instead of getting better, she was getting worse.

She turned her back on conventional medicine and started looking for alternative methods to cure her so-called 'incurable disease'. Placqued with daily migraines, sinus and yeast infections, severe and debilitating muscle tightness and pain, insomnia, bloating, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, and a long list of other equally severe symptoms, she knew she had to find a cure or else.

Her life was so riddled with pain that she didn't want to continue living in the condition she was in. She was merely existing, not living. Unfortunately her turn to the alternative field was, at first, as equally disappointing as was her results with conventional medicine. Eventually she got on the right path.

She learned the secret to the cause and cure of disease. Without drugs, without homeopathic remedies, without any potions or pills, she cured herself from the pain that had destroyed her body. Shelly is now sharing the information that saved her life with the rest of the world.
Shelly has put her information online and in greater detail in her book "Dying To Get Well": RX Drugs & Surgery FAILED! Raw Food, Juicing & Fasting CURED My Disease.

Her book also reveals:

How To CURE Your Disease.. not just MANAGE it
What Foods You Need To Eat To Help CURE Your Disease
What Foods You MUST Avoid To Reverse Your Disease
Why the TRUTH About Your Disease is covered up
Why The Doctors & Drug Companies Do NOT Want You To See This Info

This is a pdf version of 160 page book is selling at the price of Total $24.29.

But it is the courtesy of the author that she is giving up the soft copy free to download.

Download link: It can be found on her both sites. Just go through the pages of her sites and get the link to her pdf e-book.

Her sites:
1- Dying to get well

2- Raw and juicy This site would be a useful site for vegetarians. Because it is based on the Shelly's own experiences.

Note: Unfortunately both the sites are unavailable so you can now download the ebook from 'scribd' for free.

Download link: 'Dying to get well'

Monday, September 10, 2007

Don't ignore these 10 symptoms!

These 10 symptoms may not look very serious but can lead to seek medical care. And in some cases, immediate consultation to medical service is required, to save your life.

Don't ignore the following 10 signs and symptoms — some of which are not obviously alarming. But, trust that your body informs you of its needs. While some messages are more urgent than others, milder but persistent symptoms may also signal trouble.

1. Unexplained weight loss
If you find you're losing excessive weight without intending to do so, see your doctor. Unintentional excessive weight loss is considered to be a loss of more than:

5 percent of your weight within one month
10 percent of your weight within six to 12 months
An unexplained drop in weight could be caused by a number of conditions, such as an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), depression, liver disease, cancer or other noncancerous disorders, or disorders that interfere with how well your body absorbs nutrients (malabsorption disorders).

2. Persistent fever
If you have a normal immune system and you're not undergoing treatment, such as chemotherapy for cancer, a persistent low-grade fever — over 100.4 F — should be checked if it lasts for a week or more. If you have a fever with shaking chills, or a high fever — greater than 103 F — or if you're otherwise severely ill, see your doctor as soon as possible.

If you have an immune system problem or take immune-suppressing drugs, fever may not be a reliable warning sign and your primary doctor or oncologist can tell you what would signal a need for an evaluation.

Persistent fever can signal hidden infections, which could be anything from a urinary tract infection to tuberculosis. At other times, malignant conditions — such as lymphomas — cause prolonged or persistent fevers, as can some medications and conditions, and reactions to certain drugs.

Fever is common with treatable infections, such as urinary tract infections. But if a low-grade fever persists for more than two weeks, check with your doctor. Some underlying cancers can cause prolonged, persistent fever, as can tuberculosis and other disorders.

3. Shortness of breath
Feeling short of breath — beyond the typical stuffy nose or shortness of breath from exercise — could signal an underlying health problem. If you ever find that you're unable to get your breath or that you're gasping for air or wheezing, seek emergency medical care. Feeling breathless with or without exertion or when reclining also is a symptom that needs to be medically evaluated without delay.

Causes for breathlessness may include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma, heart problems, anxiety, panic attacks, pneumonia, a blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism), pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.

4. Unexplained changes in bowel habits
See your doctor if you have any of the following:

Severe diarrhea lasting more than two days
Mild diarrhea lasting a week
Constipation that lasts for more than two weeks
Unexplained urges to have a bowel movement
Bloody diarrhea
Black or tarry-colored stools
Changes in bowel habits may signal a bacterial infection — such as campylobacter or salmonella — or a viral or parasitic infection. Among other possible causes are inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer.

5. Mental status changes
Immediate medical evaluation is warranted if any of the following occur:

Sudden or gradual confused thinking
Sudden aggressive behavior
Hallucinations in someone who has never had them
Changes in behavior or thinking may be due to infection, head injury, stroke, low blood sugar or even medications, especially ones you've recently started taking.

6. New or more severe headaches (especially if you're over age 50)
Seek prompt medical attention if you experience:

A sudden and severe headache, often called a thunderclap headache, because it comes on suddenly like a clap of thunder.
A headache accompanied by a fever, stiff neck, rash, mental confusion, seizures, vision changes, weakness, numbness, speaking difficulties, scalp tenderness or pain with chewing.
A headache that begins or worsens after a head injury.
These headache symptoms may be caused by stroke, blood vessel inflammation (arteritis), meningitis, brain tumor, aneurysm or bleeding on the brain after head trauma.

7. Short-term loss of vision, speaking or movement control
If you have these signs and symptoms, minutes count. These are signs and symptoms of a possible stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Seek immediate emergency medical care if you have any of the following:

Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm or leg on one side of your body
Sudden dimness, blurring or loss of vision
Loss of speech, or trouble talking or understanding speech
A thunderclap headache
Sudden dizziness, unsteadiness or a fall
8. Flashes of light
The sudden sensation of flashing lights may signal the beginning of retinal detachment. Immediate medical care may be needed to save vision in the affected eye.

9. Feeling full after eating very little
Feeling full sooner than normal after eating and having persistent nausea and vomiting that last more than a week are warning signs that should be checked by your doctor. There are many possible causes, including pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer and ovarian cancer.

10. Hot, red or swollen joint
These warning signs may occur with a joint infection, which requires emergency care to save the joint and keep bacteria from spreading elsewhere. Other causes may include gout or certain types of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis.

This article is research based work from "Mayo Clinic" a medical education and research foundation.
Original Article link:Symptoms
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