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Monday, November 8, 2010

Be a writer for Natural News and earn online

If you are a writer/freelancer and want to earn online then 'Natural News' is a place to start with. If you love to write about news reporting on specific topics relating to health, nutrition and many others then you can join them. (They don't need opinion pieces or satire pieces, only fact-based reporting on current events.)

You join the network for free and earn from your adsense account. Good news is that your articles or posts get a good exposure and you don't need to promote it yourself.

Why you should join this network?

• Each business day, articles links and pictures are emailed out to over 100,000 NaturalNews subscribers who click and read the news items that interest them.

• News items published on NaturalNews are automatically syndicated via RSS, reaching tens of thousand of additional readers each day.

• Google News spiders all NaturalNews articles within minutes of their publication, providing valuable article publicity through the Google News pages.

Requirements for Participation:

To participate in the WebSeed Citizen Journalism project, the requirements are:

1. You need to be willing to write news reports about a specific topic area (such as infant nutrition, for example, or pet health). You may coordinate with NaturalNews editors and choose from the available topic areas to get a "beat" that you like best.
- You should submit at least one artilce a week.

2. You must have high quality writing and editing skills that allow you to submit ready-to-publish article content. NaturalNews does not provide intensive editing services, and we will reject articles that contain too many errors. Writing quality must be highly professional, which usually means you must have experience or training as a professional news writer in order to participate.

3. You must be willing to agree to the terms of non-plagiarism and financial independence (i.e. you cannot take money from companies to write about them, nor can you write about a company or product in which you have a direct financial stake).

4. You must have a Google Adsense account.

5. You must be willing to monitor the news headlines on your particular topic ("beat"). This will allow you to find story ideas and stay informed about your area of expertise.

How it work?

Google pays you directly for the Adsense earnings generated by the ads appearing above your news article. This provides a small but ongoing revenue stream for your article content, and it continues to generate revenue over time because your article stays posted on indefinitely.

The more articles you contribute to NaturalNews, the more Adsense earnings you will accumulate over time.

They need news reporting on specific topics. Articles should be a minimum of 400 words long, and can be up to 2000 words.

How to get started?

If you would like to participate in the beta launch of this program, you may apply at: NaturalNews

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