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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Join the new social community network!

I was really amazed to find one of my school age friend at 'Myspace' after more than 20 years. And I had to admit that these online community sites are really very helpful in finding or making new friends. Its an old story but I used to make penpals, when I was in school, many years ago. And there were some penpal magazines, who did this job to offer penpal opportunities.

Now it is computer age and internet has made it very easy for everyone to make friends with a touch of button. Online social networking sites are playing the role of social networking job.

Online social networking has taken the world by storm, and list is quite long starting from Myspace, Facebook, Orkut, Hi5 and "' is an addition to this list. It is new and few hundred members are there, but as online social community networks offer a good place of meeting old friends and making new friends, the popularity of these sites is increasing.

According to a definition by "Wikipedia":

"A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, idea, financial exchange, friends, kinship, dislike, conflict, trade, web links, sexual relations, disease transmission (epidemiology), or airline routes.

Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals."

'' is a new social community network where you can meet new and old friends, share photos online, albums, join groups and chat with other members.

The main purpose of the online social networking is to make a contact between the people having same interests. Members are often divided into groups or networks according to their location (geographical) or interests. So it is easy for you to find or make friends at your locality or according to your hobbies/interests.
Some facts about networking sites:
- Myspace is believed to be the world's biggest online social networking site, having over 200 million accounts.
- Facebook has an estimated number of 34 million active members.
- All the social network communities provide facility of sharing your blogs, photos and lot more.

"" is new site, but there is a good hope of getting exposure within some time.

join 3gb community

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What is "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)"?

As an educator, every session brings new challenges for us, as there are number of children who show "hyperactivity" symptoms. According to a research, between 4 and 12 percent of school-age children have ADHD. But many people are still unaware of ADHD term. Being a mother of a child with same disorder and dealing children with "ADHD" symptoms, I hope that this post would be useful for other parents and teachers as well.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, is one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children.

"ADHD is thought to be a neurological impairment, probably originating in the frontal lobes of the brain, affecting a child’s ability to control his or her impulses.
Lacking the ability to control their impulses, these children do and say whatever occurs to them from minute to minute. They are quite literally out of control."

What are the symptoms of it?

Signs & Symptoms:
Symptoms of ADHD will appear over the course of many months, and include:

* Impulsiveness: a child who acts quickly without thinking first.
* Hyperactivity: a child who can't sit still, walks, runs, or climbs around when others are seated, talks when others are talking.
* Inattention: a child who daydreams or seems to be in another world, is sidetracked by what is going on around him or her.

There has been a great deal of research to understand just why some children have ADHD. Among the identified causes are: heredity (a parent or other close relative with ADHD, although it may have gone unrecognized); problems at birth; and possibly some kind of early emotional trauma that had an effect on the processing mechanisms of the brain.

In some ways, children with ADHD are no different from their peers. One key diagnostic feature noted in children with ADHD is the intense, often frantic quality of their activity. These children are on the move most of the time: climbing the cupboards, tearing about the room, turning over every object that isn’t nailed down — an unending streak of activity and mischief. They quickly wear out their clothes and toys, and usually have more than their share of accidents.

Short Attention Spans
Children with ADHD also have extremely short attention spans. They seem to have difficulty sitting still or waiting their turn. This may be because they are so easily distracted. It often seems that they fail to remember instructions given by a parent or teacher in the time it takes to get from one end of the room to the other. They appear to live only in the present. They don’t seem to think about future consequences. They sometimes can’t remember what they did only moments earlier.

The behavior of a child with ADHD is qualitatively different from the occasional episodes of increased activity in children who do not have ADHD. Every child fidgets or misbehaves from time to time. Children with ADHD, however, are a constant challenge. Their behaviors cause frustration and anger for those around them. Without proper help, these children can become sad or even depressed due to their very accurate perception that the people around them disapprove of everything they do.

Ironically, these very same overactive children can become completely absorbed in a specific activity or task. They sometimes become so over-focused that being asked to shift their attention causes great upset and anger. It is as if the mechanism in the brain that controls their impulsiveness has now gone into overdrive. Once engaged, they can’t let go. Another theory is that these children have learned to compensate for their distractibility by focusing so completely on an activity that they cannot easily alter the track of their attention. They find change initiated by others to be threatening and difficult. This is very confusing for adults because it seems inconsistent with the general stereotypes about ADHD. Puzzled parents often ask things like: “How is it he can remember every arcane move in a video game but can’t remember to take out the garbage?” or “Why can she sit still to watch MTV for hours but can’t sit still through one classroom lesson?”

Friendships and ADHD
Children with ADHD also wear out friendships. Their behavior can be so thoughtless and aggravating, even exhausting, that other children start to avoid them. They miss usual social cues and often blurt out what they are thinking whether or not it is at all appropriate or tactful. Usually good-hearted and wanting friends, they are often mystified by others’ negative reactions to them. It is important to understand that children with ADHD are not trying to be annoying or malicious. In fact, they often seem surprised and embarrassed when their behavior results in rejection by others.

Evaluation for ADHD includes a family history, a medical exam, psychological testing, and, very importantly, a compilation of ratings on paper and pencil behavioral scales completed by parents and teachers who know the child well. A skilled neuropsychologist will recognize patterns in all of these data that generally point to a diagnosis of ADHD.

Treatment of ADHD
It is generally believed that children with ADHD benefit most from a multidisciplinary approach that comes at the problem in many ways simultaneously. On the medical front, stimulants such as Cylert (premoline), Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine), and Ritalin (methylphenidate) are the medications most often used to treat ADHD in the United States; antidepressants are sometimes prescribed as well. These medications increase activity in the frontal lobes of the brain where impulsivity is managed.

Parents and teachers of children with ADHD must be educated about how to best manage their particular child. Many adults make the mistake of getting into power struggles with these children, trying to control them with harsh disciplinary methods. Children with ADHD really can’t help being the way they are. Yelling, scolding, nagging, and punishing will only make them feel and behave worse. Even more than most children, these children need clear and kind guidance, with an emphasis on what they are doing right.

Early identification of special services in the schools can be very helpful. These children do better is a less stimulating, more orderly environment. They benefit from small classes that are fairly quiet. Activities need to be short and focused, with many opportunities for small successes. Parents and teachers should ideally keep in close contact with each other, sharing what they find to be effective for the child in question.

Finally, physical activity can sometimes help children with ADHD channel some of their excessive energy. They tend to do better at individual sports like swim team, rock climbing, weight lifting, or figure skating. Team sports (where a great deal is going on at once) can sometimes be overstimulating and frustrating for these children.

The goal, of course, is for children with ADHD to get the most enjoyment, learning and growth from each day of their lives. With teaching, encouragement, and support, these children can learn to monitor and manage their symptoms and move on with life.

For more information on ADHD and its treatment, visit the library.

The ABC's of ADHD

What Causes Attention Deficit Disorders?
Doctors do not know exactly what causes ADHD. Through the years, they have speculated that toxins, abnormal fetal development, diet, injury or poor parenting are to blame

** What Causes Attention Deficit Disorders?
For more studies:
** Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, ADD) from "National Institute of Mental Health"

Related post:

*** Is drug free treatment of "Attention Deficit Disorder"possible?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

"Health line"- providing health information services

Internet has become a good source of information and people usually search the net to get knowledge. In health sector there are a lot of resources at the net, which have rich content, equally useful for health professionals or a common person. I love to look around for health related sites, where you can find the ultimate knowledge, research based facts and health related stuff. "Health line" is one of the sites with a exposure. is one of the top 10 health information destination site with over 5 million monthly unique visitors generating over 20 million page views per month.

It started in late 2005.
Misssion of the site is to provide consistently excellent health information on the Web to the consumers.

By registering FREE at the site, you get these benefits:

- Free Access to Journals and Magazines
- Email News Alerts: Choose the health topics you're most interested in and automatically receive the latest news
- Subscribe to Healthline Health Experts: Get automatic delivery of medical professional blogs that you can read, comment on and send to others
- Save Pages: Save articles, add notes and tag, and organize your important health information.

For registration, click here
They have a number of newsletters from which you can choose the topics, you want to subscribe.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

"Facial Paralysis" and treatment opportunities

First let's know what is "Facial Paralysis" and which kind of treatment is available in this regard.


"Facial paralysis is the total loss of voluntary muscle movement of one side of the face."

About 75% of all cases of facial paralysis in adults are due to a condition called Bell's palsy, in which the facial nerve becomes inflamed.

Stroke may cause facial paralysis. In this case, the eye on the affected side may be closed and the forehead can be wrinkled. (Persons with Bell's palsy can not do this.) Other muscles on one side of the body may also be involved with a stroke.

Facial paralysis due to a brain tumor generally develops slowly and causes headaches, seizures, or hearing loss.

Source link

Accroding to Wikipedia:

"Facial nerve paralysis is a common problem that involves the paralysis of any structures innervated by the facial nerve. The pathway of the facial nerve is long and relatively convoluted, and so there are a number of causes that may result in facial nerve paralysis. The most common is Bell's palsy, an idiopathic disease that may only be diagnosed by exclusion.

A thorough medical history and physical examination are the first steps in making a diagnosis. Paralysis is far more serious and requires immediate treatment. It must also be determined whether the forehead is involved in the motor defect or not. This is usually accomplished by assessing how well a patient can raise her eyebrows

There are many places where you can go for the diagnosis or treatment of facial paralysis. But you need to check all the facts and reputatuion about the clinic and of course the facial paralysis surgeon.

Treatment of facial paralysis is possible at "Facialparalysisinstitute" which has a good name in this connection.

Their surgeon Dr. Azizzadeh MD, FACS, who was appeared in "Oprah Winfrey show" for a segment about his patient, Mary Jo Buttafuoco, who garnered headlines in 1991 as the victim of a face-shattering gunshot wound.

Check the site for treatment of facial paralysis

Friday, April 18, 2008

Healthy Web Surfing Guide

While searching for any health related topic at the net, I noticed that at any search engine, when you enter the keyword, there is a long list of searches available, and it is difficule to decide or understand, which sites offer reliable information or guidance in this regard. As commercial sites may provide you some of the information, but their motive it to sell something related to that keyword.

Internet is a good source of information about any topic including health, but hwo to search for quality health information? is a govenrment agency directing us to information to help answer the health questions. It provides a guide for web surfing to get health information.

Consider the source--Use recognized authorities

Know who is responsible for the content.

Look for an "about us" page. Check to see who runs the site: is it a branch of the Federal Government, a non-profit institution, a professional organization, a health system, a commercial organization or an individual.
There is a big difference between a site that says, "I developed this site after my heart attack" and one that says, "This page on heart attack was developed by health professionals at the American Heart Association."
Web sites should have a way to contact the organization or webmaster. If the site provides no contact information, or if you can't easily find out who runs the site, use caution.
Focus on quality--All Web sites are not created equal

Does the site have an editorial board? Is the information reviewed before it is posted?

This information is often on the "about us" page, or it may be under the organization's mission statement, or part of the annual report.
See if the board members are experts in the subject of the site. For example, a site on osteoporosis whose medical advisory board is composed of attorneys and accountants is not medically authoritative.
Look for a description of the process of selecting or approving information on the site. It is usually in the "about us" section and may be called "editorial policy" or "selection policy" or "review policy."
Sometimes the site will have information "about our writers" or "about our authors" instead of an editorial policy. Review this section to find out who has written the information.
Be a cyberskeptic--Quackery abounds on the Web

Does the site make health claims that seem too good to be true? Does the information use deliberately obscure, "scientific" sounding language? Does it promise quick, dramatic, miraculous results? Is this the only site making these claims?

Beware of claims that one remedy will cure a variety of illnesses, that it is a "breakthrough," or that it relies on a "secret ingredient."
Use caution if the site uses a sensational writing style (lots of exclamation points, for example.)
A health Web site for consumers should use simple language, not technical jargon.
Get a second opinion! Check more than one site.
Look for the evidence--Rely on medical research, not opinion

Does the site identify the author? Does it rely on testimonials?

Look for the author of the information, either an individual or an organization. Good examples are "Written by Jane Smith, R.N.," or "Copyright 2003, American Cancer Society."
If there are case histories or testimonials on the Web site, look for contact information such as an email address or telephone number. If the testimonials are anonymous or hard to track down ("Jane from California"), use caution.
Check for currency--Look for the latest information

Is the information current?

Look for dates on documents. A document on coping with the loss of a loved one doesn't need to be current, but a document on the latest treatment of AIDS needs to be current.
Click on a few links on the site. If there are a lot of broken links, the site may not be kept up-to-date.
Beware of bias--What is the purpose? Who is providing the funding?

Who pays for the site?

Check to see if the site is supported by public funds, donations or by commercial advertising.
Advertisements should be labeled. They should say "Advertisement" or "From our Sponsor."
Look at a page on the site, and see if it is clear when content is coming from a non-commercial source and when an advertiser provides it. For example, if a page about treatment of depression recommends one drug by name, see if you can tell if the company that manufactures the drug provides that information. If it does, you should consult other sources to see what they say about the same drug.
Protect your privacy--Health information should be confidential

Does the site have a privacy policy and tell you what information they collect?

There should be a link saying "Privacy" or "Privacy Policy." Read the privacy policy to see if your privacy is really being protected. For example, if the site says "We share information with companies that can provide you with useful products," then your information isn't private.
If there is a registration form, notice what types of questions you must answer before you can view content. If you must provide personal information (such as name, address, date of birth, gender, mother's maiden name, credit card number) you should refer to their privacy policy to see what they can do with your information.
Consult with your health professional--Patient/provider partnerships lead to the best medical decisions
Source link: MedlinePlus Guide to Healthy Web Surfing

* Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine

* Get more guidlines at this link: Evaluating Health Information

* A User's Guide to Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Web

Friday, April 4, 2008

Provider of online shopping cart software "Ashop Commerce"

Online selling was not easy for bloggers, because they had to look for shopping cart solution or setting up an online mall at their sites. But now "Ashop Commerce" has made it easy to start online selling with the creation of a"shopping cart software"

This is an award winning software, as it simply helps and provides easy to follow instructions to set up an online store. Selling online needs to keep control over many features such as stock control, customer relation, search engine promotion

More about Ashop Commerce:

- Ashop Commerce is a company involved in internet programming and digital imagaing. It is serving small to medium sized businesses, by providing easy solution for online business.

- Their product "shopping cart software" is a result of continuous 4 years of hard work.

Some features of this innovating software:

- It is web based so no need to go for HTML or design skills.
- You are provided with user manual, tutorial, movies etc to get step by step guidance.
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