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Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Foods mentioned in The Holy Quran

Believers in the Qur'an should include the foods mentioned in The Holy Quran into their daily diet patterns to stay fit and healthy. There has to be some very special importance in these foods if Allah chose to mention them in His Holy Book. Many scientific studies had confirmed that the best types of foods are the foods that Allah Had created in this nature, especially fruits, cereals and meat.

The Holy Qur’ân also offers useful tips regarding a balanced diet, a diet which contains the useful ingredients required for the growth, strengthening and repairing of the human body. These ingredients include animal protein, fat, calcium, iron, salts, etc.

The foods mentioned in Quran:
  • Water (mentioned 100+ times)
  • Milk (2)
  • Honey (2)
  • Wine that exists in Paradise (2)
  • Olive oil (1)
  • Plants                                                                                      
    1. Dates (22)
    2. Fruit (14)
    3. Grapes (11)
    4. Grains in general (7)
    5. Olives (6 or 7)
    6. Buckthorn (4)
    7. Pomegranate (3)
    8. Mustard seed (2)
    9. Onion (1)
    10. Herbs, beans and vegetables (1)
    11. Cucumbers (1)
    12. Garlic or wheat (1)
    13. Lentil (1)                                                 
    14. Gourd (1)
    15. Banana (1)
    16. Herbage, or Abb (1)
    17. Fig (1)
    Animals with halal meat

    1. Cattle (34)
    2. Birds in general (18)
    3. Camels (11)
    4. Calves (10)
    5. Cows (9)
    6. Sheep (8)
    7. Seafood (5)
    8. Quails (3)
    9. Goats (1)
    10. Hoopoes (1)
    11. Meat in general (1)
    Meat and Poultry: Muslims are permitted to eat meats and fish, but they are not permitted to eat certain meats and certain seafood.
    Firstly, Muslims are only permitted to eat halal meats. Halal is a term that means "lawful," but when applied to food, it means the animal had to be slaughtered with the term, "In the name of God" recited over the animal beforehand. There is also a very specific method in which the animal must be slaughtered before it is deemed "halal".
    Secondly, Muslims are not permitted to eat meat that has been dead already -- meaning it wasn't slaughtered -- animal blood, any form of pork, or any carnivorous animal.

    The foods mentioned in the Quran: olive, fig, dates, grapes, pomegranate, honey etc, all ensure you emotional stability and make your immune system more resistant to diseases, especially heart and cancer diseases.
    And the Quran emphasizes the importance of eating natural foods. Analysis of various verses from the Holy Qur'an clearly show that the foods spoken about in it, will fulfil one's daily protein, carbohydrate, fat and vitamin requirements.                      

    Qur'anic verses speak about the importance of, among other things:
    meat (6 : 118) dates (6 : 141) milk (16 : 66) olives (wat-Teen) pomegranates (6 : 141) figs (wat-Teen) fish (16 : 14) honey, etc.

    Other than Qur'anic verses, muslims have the authentic Sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) which also testifies to the importance of a balanced diet. The fact that Prophet would at times eat cucumber together with dates in order to balance the opposing hot and cold effects in these foods is a proof of this.

    As Islam is heavily influenced by the cultures that reside in the Muslim world, many of meals in muslim families are traditional despite of the fact that they prefer to include the foods mentioned in Quran and Hadith to their diet.

    More links for useful information:

    'Quranic food' pdf

    Sunday, February 26, 2012

    Balanced diet according to The Holy Quran and islam

    Islam teaches to adopt the balanced diet which can help a Muslim stay healthy. Islam emphasizes that people should eat a balance diet. A balanced diet comprises of protein, carbohydrate, fat and vitamin in Islam.

    Balanced diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development. Following a balanced diet is important to keep our body healthy and fit.

    In Holy Quran, we can find the divine order for people to eat the lawful foods which Allah, (the Almighty) Had created for them. He says:
    "O you who believe! Eat of the lawful things that we have provided you with, and be grateful to Allâh, if it is indeed He Whom you worship" (172: Al Baqara).
    Therefore, the scientists confirm that the best type of food is what we find ready in the nature before the human hand poison it!                                            

    Importance of balanced diet in Islam 
    Islam itself is a balanced way of life that is pure from all forms of excesses. A balanced diet fits beautifully into the balanced teachings of Islam.The Islamic way of life is a natural lifestyle suited to the temperament of mankind at large. Islam is opposed to extremes in the physical as well as spiritual matters of life

    Islam always promotes the middle path and this Ummah(muslims) has been declared in the Holy Qur'an as being 'the nation of the middle path'. So long as Muslims adhere to this general principle of Islam in every matter of their lives, they can look forward to not only good physical health but even an excellent mental, psychological and spiritual state of well being, by the Will of Allah.

    A Balanced Diet
    Importance of balanced diet or healthy food is clear when we see that “food” has been mentioned in 108 verses of the Holy Quran.
    The Qur’ân has not restricted itself in merely mentioning the permissible and impermissible foods but goes to the extent of giving useful tips regarding a balanced diet, a diet which contains most if not all the useful ingredients required for the growth, strengthening and repairing of the human body. These ingredients include animal protein, fat, calcium, iron, salts, etc. The most balanced diets consist of meat, fish, fresh milk, cheese and fruit. Both direct and indirect references have been made regarding the afore mentioned.

    The reference regarding the importance of meat protein in the human diet is given in the following verse:

    “And the cattle, He has created them for you, in them there is warmth (clothing) and numerous benefits, and of them you eat.”(16:5) In this verse special reference has been given to the importance of eating despite having said, “…numerous benefits…”. 

    Reference regarding other types of meat has also been given such as the meat of fowls in the following verse:
     “And the flesh of fowls that they desire.”(56:21)

    Fish has always been considered as a food of very high protein and is very important for human consumption. Allah says:
     “And from them both (fresh and salt water) you eat fresh tender meat (fish).”(35:12)
     The usefulness of fresh milk is stressed in these words:
     “And verily in the cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretion and blood, pure milk, palatable to the drinkers.”(16:66)

    The benefits of fruits as good nourishment can be understood from this verse:
     “And from the fruits of date palms and grapes, you desire strong drink and a goodly provision.”(16:67)

    Similarly there are verses which cover the whole range of fruits, salads, and vegetables which also play an important role in a nutritious, balanced diet:
     “It is He who sends down rain from the sky, and with it We bring forth vegetation of all kinds, and out of it We bring forth thick clustered grain. And out of the date palm and its spate come clusters of dates hanging low and near, and gardens of grapes, olives and pomegranates each similar (in kind) yet different (in variety and taste). Look at their fruits when then begin to bear, and the ripeness thereof.” (6:99)

    Islam, being a complete religion, also teaches and advises the believer as to what the best method of eating is. The believers are advised to be moderate in every aspect of life. Direct reference has been made in the Noble Qur’ân regarding moderation in eating and drinking.
     “And eat and drink, but waste not in extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not those who waste in extravagance.”(7:31) 
     Muslims follow a specific diet in accordance to their holy book.
    One of the main principles of good health is a Quran Food balanced diet.

    1. Eating slowly is recommended for health. 
    2. Eat together and not separately 
    3. Eat something to keep you going from the Quran food menu ( Important )

    Useful links:
    Quranic food, a list of the foods mentioned in the Quran

    Friday, July 22, 2011

    Why we need to adopt hay diet?

    A healthy diet is one that is arrived at with the intent of improving or maintaining optimal health. This usually involves consuming nutrients by eating the appropriate amounts from all of the food groups, including an adequate amount of water.
    Usually we follow a particular diet plan for weight loss or weight gain aim. Among a long list of diets it is really difficult to chose a diet which fits you. But the main purpose of adopting a diet program should be staying healthy as well.

    Today we are learning about hay diet which a nutrition mehod developed by the New York physician William Howard Hay in the 1920s. The founder of the Hay Diet was Diagnoseed with a kidney-related condition, high blood pressure and other illness, he discored the Hey Diet. The Hay Diet helped him to lose weight and to reduce the illness symptoms.

    The Hay diet has traditionally been promoted as being effective for weight loss and digestive problems because it does not 'mix' starch and protein, thus preventing the body from having to produce starch-digesting and protein-digesting enzymes at the same time.

    The Hay Diet claims to work by separating food into three groups: alkaline, acidic, and neutral. Acid foods are not combined with the alkaline ones. Acid foods are protein rich, meat, fish, dairy, etc., and "alkaline" the carbohydrate-rich starch foods like rice, grains and potatoes. It is also known as the food combining diet.

    As hay diet is based on the idea that the body can not cope with proteins and carbohydrates at the same time because of the way they are digested. This came from the belief that the human body is used to eating only one type of food at time and that the combining of food is a modern habit that are ancestors never did.

    Why hay diet?

    The hay diet states that the things wrong with modern eating habits are
    • Poor elimination of wastes and toxins
    • Eating to few alkaline forming vegetables and fruits
    • Incompatible mixing of food
    This can be remidied by the hay diet because it
    • Cuts down on protiens starches and highly processed foods
    • Improves the elimnation of toxins
    • Increases the intake of vegtables, salads and fruits
    • Doesn't mix any foods that fight
    Read more at: 'Diet Review'
    Useful links:

    * Therapeutic diets

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    How to Redesign Your Diet to Deflate High Blood Pressure?

    Most of us know the fact that food makes us healthy and at the same time wrong choices make us sick. Hypertension is known as the "silent killer" and is one of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system. As hypertension in the body becomes prolonged, the risk for heart failure, vascular disease, kidney (renal) failure, and stroke increases. Mainly it is suggested that alcohol, salt and fats should be avoided to lower your high blood pressure.

    Although there has been no cause identified for hypertension in 90 percent of people, dietary factors have been shown to influence blood pressure. People with hypertension can deflate high blood pressure by redesigning their diet. By changing a few simple dietary habits, including counting calories and watching portion sizes to boost weight loss, you may be able to lower your blood pressure — a proven risk for heart disease. Findings show that potassium, magnesium, and fiber may also affect blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables are high in potassium, magnesium, and fiber and low in sodium. Also, nuts, seeds, legumes, lean meats, and poultry are good sources of magnesium.

    Read more: How to Redesign Your Diet to Deflate High Blood Pressure?

    Saturday, October 30, 2010

    Nutritional and natural methods can help us prevent from disease

    Many health related sites are now created by health professionals which makes the information more valuable. You can find the latest news, medical research and relative useful stuff at these sites. Nutritional and natural methods can help us prevent or reverse disease. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, MD has proved it by applying his high nutrient and vegetable diet to a lot of patients. Joel Fuhrman M.D. is a physician who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. His private practice is located in Flemington, New Jersey.

    'DiseaseProof' is the official blog of Dr. Joel Fuhrman MD. who promotes his high-nutrient, vegetable-based diet for optimal health and disease prevention. He believes that high-nutrient eating, as a therapeutic intervention, is more effective than drugs and surgery at restoring health from chronic diseases.

    The site serves as a forum to promote discussion on diet, fitness, health and green living. The posts at the blog and site are very valuable and useful for health professionals, patients or as a general source of information. There are many patient or success stories,

    'Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss' by Dr. Fuhrman:

    Dr. Fuhrman offers his healthy, effective, and scientifically proven plan for shedding radical amounts of weight quickly, and keeping it off. The key to this revolutionary diet is the idea of nutrient density, as expressed by the simple formula Health=Nutrients/Calories. When the ratio of nutrients to calories is high, fat melts away and health is restored. Losing 20 pounds in two to three weeks is just the beginning. Designed for people who must lose 50 pounds or more in a hurry, EAT TO LIVE works for every dieter, even those who want to lose as little as 10 pounds quickly. You can buy the paper back at 'Amazon'

    * Download ebook for free: 5.5MB, 299 pages 'Eat to live''Download link'

    * 'Official site of Dr. Fuhrman'

    Link: 'Disease Proof'

    You can get free e-book exclusive eBook "Break Free of the Diet Traps" and receive the Nutrient Rich Daily Tip by subscribing.

    Friday, October 29, 2010

    False claims of weight loss diets and products and reality behind these ads

    Is there any reality behind the ads that promise quick and easy weight loss without diet or exercise? There are false claims of weight loss programs and products around the world for many years. Before you spend money on products that promise fast and easy results, weigh the claims carefully.

    The cost of weight loss and obesity related health care treatments is staggering…Americans alone spend around $114 billion every year! And even with all this interest in losing weight, we continue to pack on the pounds like never before…

    - A whopping 64 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or
    obese…up about eight percent from earlier estimates.

    - Among children and teens ages 6-19, 15 percent or almost nine
    million are overweight…triple the rate in 1980!

    - Nearly one-third of all adults are now classified as obese.

    When it comes to evaluating claims for weight loss products, the Federal Trade Commission recommends a healthy portion of skepticism.

    Think twice before wasting your money on products that make any of these false claims:
    Wouldn't it be nice if—as the ads claim—you could lose weight simply by taking a pill, wearing a patch, or rubbing in a cream? Too bad claims like that are almost always false.

    Doctors, dieticians, and other experts agree that the best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories and increase your physical activity so you burn more energy. A reasonable goal is to lose about a pound a week. For most people, that means cutting about 500 calories a day from your diet, eating a variety of nutritious foods, and exercising regularly.

    "Lose weight without diet or exercise!"
    Achieving a healthy weight takes work. Take a pass on any product that promises miraculous results without the effort. Buy one and the only thing you’ll lose is money.

    “Lose weight no matter how much you eat of your favorite foods!”
    Beware of any product that claims that you can eat all you want of high-calorie foods and still lose weight. Losing weight requires sensible food choices. Filling up on healthy vegetables and fruits can make it easier to say no to fattening sweets and snacks.

    “Lose weight permanently! Never diet again!”
    Even if you’re successful in taking the weight off, permanent weight loss requires permanent lifestyle changes. Don’t trust any product that promises once-and-for-all results without ongoing maintenance.

    “Block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories!”
    Doctors, dieticians, and other experts agree that there’s simply no magic non-prescription pill that will allow you to block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories. The key to curbing your craving for those “downfall foods” is portion control. Limit yourself to a smaller serving or a slimmer slice.

    “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days!”
    Losing weight at the rate of a pound or two a week is the most effective way to take it off and keep it off. At best, products promising lightning-fast weight loss are false. At worst, they can ruin your health.

    “Everybody will lose weight!”
    Your habits and health concerns are unique. There is simply no one-size-fits-all product guaranteed to work for everyone. Team up with your health care provider to design a personalized nutrition and exercise program suited to your lifestyle and metabolism.

    “Lose weight with our miracle diet patch or cream!”
    You’ve seen the ads for diet patches or creams that claim to melt away the pounds. Don’t believe them. There’s nothing you can wear or apply to your skin that will cause you to lose weight.

    Source: Advice from the Federal Trade Commission

    Useful links and resources:

    * How Eating Can Help You With Weight Loss?

    * 7 Bad Eating Habits You Should Change Immediately

    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Ask your health and diet questions online to Dr.Oz

    'Doctor OZ' is a known personality for TV viewers. 'Oprah' has invited Dr. Oz many times, now you can get him online and ask any question.

    His site is a source of all information, news, viws, tips and helful diet, health/wellness related issues.

    More about Dr.Oz:

    Dr. Oz, host of "The Dr. Oz Show", is Vice-Chair and Professor of Surgery at Columbia University. His research interests include heart replacement surgery, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, complementary medicine and health care policy. He has authored over 400 original publications, book chapters, and medical books and has received several patents. He performs 250 heart operations annually.

    Dr. Oz was a featured health expert on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" for over five seasons, spanning 55 episodes. He has also served as chief medical consultant to Discovery Communications. In addition to numerous appearances on "Good Morning America," he has also appeared on the "Today" show, "Larry King Live," "The View," guest-hosted the "Charlie Rose" show and appeared on all the evening news broadcasts.

    Dr. Oz has been honored as one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People, Esquire magazine honored him amongst '75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century'

    At Dr/ Oz's blog you can read about the topics of interest to Dr. Oz's panel of experts and Wellness Warriors.
    - Find everything from recipes and tips regarding health and wellness.
    - Read stories of successes and struggles and get evaluations of therapies and treatments.

    Saturday, January 30, 2010

    Get online support for your diet plan

    It is always better to get advice and suggestion about your health concerns and diet plan. If you are worried about your weight gain and don't know where to start checking your calorie intake or plan to start exercise to make you fit, then internet provides lots of helpful information regarding weight loss or diet. 'Calorie Connect' is one of those sites which offers free information about supporting you with your diet plan.

    'Calorie Connect' is an online utility based site which helps you to maintain your diet while providing you nutrient and calorie information from your foods.

    It offers interactive personal nutrition and exercise information health conscious people need to make positive choices about their physical health and well being.

    Mission: 'People can achieve and maintain a healthy physical lifestyle by accurately recording their diet and exercise information, and then acting positively to improve their numbers until they reach their wellness goals. To assist people in their quest to achieve their goals we have created a service that is statistically detailed while also being user-friendly. By regularly accessing their personalized pages on the Calorie Connect website our members can see at a glance if they are hitting their nutrition and exercise targets.'

    How the site helps you?

    You get detailed food consumption information, exercise data, and personalized charts and tables

    You get detailed personal analysis on the calories you consume and burn. Their nutrition and profile pages help our you keep track of fourteen essential nutrients. Their xercise page allows you to record exercise activities and to assess progress towards weekly and monthly goals. At last you get the report containing detailed nutrient and exercise information.

    The best thing about the site:
    Calorie Connect membership is free. There are no fees or hidden costs for accessing any part of the Calorie connect website.

    To become a member you need to provide some information like your height, weight, sex, and age data to create a personal profile.

    Start from here: Calorie Connect

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Bring a change in your life for better health

    'Change 4 Life' helps you bring change in your life for better health. You would be able to get helpful information, tools and tips at the site.

    How it helps us change our life to better?

    The movement will help to make behaviors around diet and physical activity more high profile and will provide accessible, friendly and encouraging support to implement changes.

    There are 8 healthy behaviors that can help you live a better life:

    The site suggests:

    1. Swapping food and drink with added sugar for options that are lower in sugar or sugar-free. We're calling this ‘sugar swaps’.
    2. Making sure kids eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day. We're using the name that parents are already familiar with: 5 A DAY.
    3. 2.3 Making time for regular meals to help avoid unhealthy eating habits. We're calling this ‘meal time’.
    4. Setting a limit on the number of snacks and treats kids have each day. We're calling this ‘snack check’.
    5. Making sure kids eat the right sized portions for their age and size. We're calling this ‘me size meals’.
    6. Taking simple steps to eat less fat by comparing food labels, swapping certain foods for others and changing the way food is cooked and prepared. We're calling this ‘cut back fat’.
    7. Making sure kids do at least 60 minutes of physical activity - like playing outside, walking or swimming - every day. We're calling this ‘60 active minutes’.
    8. Limiting ‘sitting down’ activities, like watching TV or playing computer games, and encouraging kids to do something more active. We're calling this ‘up and about’.

    These all behavior changes are sure ways to bring change in our lifestyle and

    The site provides all the stuff for free and registration is also free for all so let's make our life more meaningful and healthier by bringing change in our lives.

    Monday, September 15, 2008

    'Project Weight Loss' - A community to help you live a healthy life

    It is a fact that we learn from our mistakes, but the easiest way to learn is from other's lives. The people around us can teach us the real life lessons. As we all know that if you want to live a healthy life for long, you should maintain a healthy diet and weight. Those who are 'over weight' are at high risk of inviting serious diseases. The best solution to get the awareness is to have contact with the people who have similar target of living a healthy life.

    Project Weight Loss is a community for those who want to live healthy. It helps you to maintain balanced diet and achieve an active lifestyle which is essential for weight loss and healthy living.

    Here you'll find weight loss articles, weight loss blogs , clubs, and a forum where you can post diet and fitness questions and answers.

    More features of the site

    There are many tools which are offered at the site like as:
    - menu planner helps you create healthy diet plans;
    - the calorie counter counts the calories in your meals and tells you if that's more than you need to reach your ideal weight;
    - the workout planner helps you choose exercises to burn excess calories;
    - the BMI calculator calculates your current and ideal body mass index.

    Thursday, July 3, 2008

    Why selection of well-balanced diet and appropriate physical activity is important to health

    Well balanced diet and appropriate physical activity is equally important to gain health and vigor. Often we try to chose balanced and nutritious food to maintain good health but forget to change our lifestyle which is not appropriate enough for physical activities. We are so busy with our comfortable lives that we forget that some easy steps can help us make some choices to adopt some kind of physical activities which is very essential to keep us fit and healthy.

    Government agencey called the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has created a tool called "My Pyramid" to help people select a healthy, well-balanced diet and appropriate physical activity.

    My pyramid:
    The pyramid's vertical bands represent that a healthy diet requires 1) eating a variety of foods (grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, dairy products, and high-protein foods), and 2) choosing the best foods in each group. For example, whole-grain is better than white pasta, and skim milk is better than ice-cream.

    Healthier foods are low in calories, low in saturated and trans fats (to improve your cholesterol levels), and high in fiber (a type of carbohydrate found in plants). Our bodies cannot digest fiber or use it for energy. That means that you can eat a lot of fiber and feel full without having to store any of its calories. Fiber also aids digestion (keeps stool soft and traveling easily through the intestine) and can even help fight cancer, particularly colon cancer.
    Tip: The U.S. Surgeon General and many professional health organizations recommend a diet containing 20-35 grams of fiber a day. The average American diet barely consumes half of this amount with an intake of 10-15 grams daily.

    Physical activity refers to any movement produced by muscular contractions that burns extra calories. Examples of physical activity include pushing a stroller, vacuuming, or mowing the lawn. Physical activity is intense enough to make you break a sweat, but comfortable enough to let you carry on a conversation.

    How much activity do we need?
    Adults are expected to participate in at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day on most days of the week. Children and teens should get even more, at least 60 minutes per day. You can do all of the recommended 30 minutes at once, or break it up into 10- or 15-minute periods throughout the day.
    Tip: Walking briskly (3-4 mph) for even 15 to 20 minutes a day begins to decrease your chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or developing type 2 diabetes.

    Source: "learn genetics"

    For more information:


    - Inside the pyramid

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Boost your metabolism rate to stay slim

    Everybody wants to stay fit, healthy and slim, but for fat or over weight persons, it is sometimes very difficult to keep their weights in control. A lot of diet or food consciousness is required to stay slim. But there are some tips that can help us boost our metabolism rate to keep our weight in control.

    Why metablism rate is concerned in staying slim?

    The answer lies in 2 words, which are "ENERGY CONVERSION"

    What is "Energy Conversion"?

    "Food broken down in the digestive tract is absorbed into the bloodstream and dispersed into cells throughout the body where it fuels energy. In lean people, heat production goes up by as much as 40 percent after a meal. In overweight people, it may rise ten percent or less, which means food energy is stored as fat rather than burned."

    Tips to boost your metabolism rate!

    There are natural nutritional supplements you can take to help activate your nervous system and boost your metabolism rate so that dietary fat is converted to energy, not stored as body fat:

    * Green Tea contains polyphenols, which have powerful antioxidant properties. But, the real “kicker” is its ability to help you burn calories. In a recent study, participants taking green tea extract burned an additional 500 calories a week compared to those taking caffeine or a placebo. I recommend drinking at least three eight-ounce cups daily (to provide roughly 240-320 mg of polyphenols). If you prefer not to drink the tea, try: 300-400 mg daily of green tea extract (Be sure the product is caffeine-free and standardized to 80 percent total polyphenol and 55 percent epigallocatechin.); or 100 mg of green tea polyphenols, taken three times daily. (This is caffeine free.)

    L-carnitine. It has been know to keep your hear healthy. But it is found in helping overweight peoples, speeding their metabolism and drop extra pounds. In many cases it is observed that they had greater energy, and could exercise more frequently and vigorously.

    L-carnitine is an amino acid that picks up fatty acids in your blood and takes them to your cells where they’re used for the production of ATP, your most readily available form of energy.

    Many women are carnitine-deficient, especially vegetarians and those in mid- life and beyond. Red meat is the best source of carnitine, but too much red meat can disrupt the acid/alkaline balance that is so important to overall good health.
    Doctors recommend taking 1,000 mg of L-carnitine a day.

    Calcium & Magnesium. Doctors recommend you take both calcium and magnesium to help counteract acidity when trying to lose weight. This will bring your body back to an alkaline state, which gives you the necessary oxygen to efficiently break down and get energy from the foods you eat. Plus, magnesium helps promote a healthy inflammatory response in your body. If you’re trying to lose weight, take at least 1,000 – 1,500 mg of calcium and 500 – 750 mg of magnesium per day.

    These tips are courtesy of Dr. Susan M. Lark, M. D, having a 28 years of clinical experience, is one of the foremost authorities in the fields of clinical nutrition and preventive medicine.

    Source link of the post: Weight Loss

    For weight loss techniques, detox diet and other health related articles:
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